Command and conquer generals world builder mac

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The Command & Conquer Generals World Builder is a scenario editor for Command & Conquer Generals and the Zero Hour expansion pack that allows you to create your own maps and missions. In the explorer window that opens you can then browse to the actual installation folders of your games. To easily open the folder in your file explorer, click 'Change', and in the dialog that pops up, right click the selected folder and choose 'Open in new window' from the context menu. There, under 'on your computer', you can see the path of the Game library location. In the settings screen, go to the 'Installs & Saves' tab. Open the Origin menu and select 'Application Settings'. If you don't know how to find your game folder. The worldbuilder for each is simply in those.

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Open your Origin games folder, open the map 'Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour', and then open the map of either specific game (Generals or Zero Hour). Is the only map editor for a Command & Conquer game aside from ED-DOS/EdWin that comes with the game instead of being distributed as a separate download.